
Asia's Secondary Markets: The Quiet Revolution In The Blockchain Ecosystem

Tobias Bauer
March 20, 2024
Min Read

Tobias Bauer worked in the investment team of Chinaccelerator, one of the global elite accelerator programs operated by the venture fund SOSV with $907M+ AUM in China. Furthermore, he worked for the German Government in Thailand where he co-organized the NSTF, a career fair with 1.1M visitors, in order to enable students to build their professional career. In the past, he has lived in 9 different countries across 15 cities and is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, English and German.

In the bustling avenues of blockchain technology, Asia has always been seen as a beacon. The enormous advances made by powerhouses like China, South Korea, and Japan have frequently been the centerpiece of this narrative. Yet, in the shadows of these giants, secondary Asian markets are scripting a blockchain revolution that is as profound as it is transformative.

With a demographic edge of a youthful, tech-savvy population, the nation is navigating the blockchain terrain beyond the conventional cryptocurrency domain


Vietnam, once viewed through the narrow lens of its bustling street markets and rich cultural heritage, is now emerging as a potential titan in the blockchain arena. With a demographic edge of a youthful, tech-savvy population, the nation is navigating the blockchain terrain beyond the conventional cryptocurrency domain. It’s innovating in areas like agriculture traceability and digital identity, showcasing a vision that extends beyond just adopting technology. The Vietnamese government is showing commendable foresight by collaborating closely with tech startups, deftly navigating the challenges of combining regulatory support with entrepreneurial ideas.

The country's burgeoning startup ecosystem further solidifies its blockchain ambitions, painting a vivid picture of innovation tailored to Vietnam's unique challenges. The emphasis on regional collaborations and the surging wave of public awareness campaigns indicate that Vietnam isn't just playing catch-up; it's aiming to lead. As Vietnam continues on this path, it's not a stretch to envision the nation as a formidable force in the global blockchain narrative, rewriting its story from an historic gem to a tech giant in the making.


Indonesia, characterized by its sprawling archipelago and diverse cultural mix, has been embarking on an intriguing blockchain journey that seamlessly integrates its unique challenges with cutting-edge solutions. Faced with the logistical complexities inherent in its vast geography, the country has ingeniously employed blockchain to enhance the traceability of goods across its expansive supply chains. This not only ensures the authenticity of products, but also significantly reduces inefficiencies, paving the way for a more streamlined and transparent trade framework.

Beyond supply chain enhancements, we believes Indonesia's financial sector stands out as a beacon of innovation. By leveraging blockchain, Indonesia is revolutionizing its remittance and peer-to-peer lending landscapes, addressing critical financial inclusivity issues. Rural populations, often marginalized in traditional banking systems, are finding a voice and a platform in this new, decentralized financial paradigm. With these strategic implementations, Indonesia isn't just adopting blockchain; it's positioning itself as a potential global leader, transforming its inherent challenges into pioneering solutions for the world to see.


The Philippines, a nation with a unique blend of bustling urban centers and distant islands, has deftly recognized the transformative potential of blockchain, especially in the realm of financial remittances. Given that a substantial portion of the Philippine population works overseas, sending money back home is common concern. “This is where the beauty of blockchain comes in,” shared Mr Bauer, “web3 technology is now reshaping the remittance landscape, facilitating faster, cheaper, and more transparent money transfer solutions.” This move not only simplifies the process for the countless overseas Filipino workers but also injects trust and reliability into the system.

More than just a reactive adoption, the Central Bank of the Philippines has emerged as a proactive player, embodying a forward-thinking approach to blockchain. By issuing licenses to cryptocurrency exchanges and encouraging blockchain-based research, the nation's top financial institution is laying the groundwork for a robust and inclusive digital economy. In an age where technological innovation often outpaces regulatory frameworks, the Philippines stands out. By embracing and nurturing blockchain, it's setting a gold standard for how nations can integrate disruptive technologies responsibly, setting itself on the path to be an industry beacon.

Challenges and Collaborative Endeavors

However, as with all revolutions, challenges are unavoidable. These emerging nations, while excited about the possibilities of blockchain, are treading carefully around its potential pitfalls. The regulatory landscape is an arena of both potential and concern. Yet, what's heartening, as Tobias notes, is the collaborative spirit these nations embody – engaging with blockchain heavyweights, initiating dialogues with startups, and fostering a regulatory milieu that befriends innovation, all the while safeguarding user interests.

An intriguing facet of this evolution is the intra-regional synergy that we foresees. The unique strengths that each of these countries brings to the table – be it Vietnam's technological prowess, Indonesia's supply chain vastness, or the Philippines' thriving remittance market – can, when meshed, craft a blockchain ecosystem of unparalleled dynamism. A synergy that could very well rival the established giants.

"By leveraging blockchain, Indonesia is revolutionizing its remittance and peer-to-peer lending landscapes, addressing critical financial inclusivity issues"

Visions of the Future

For those poised at the cusp of this transformation, “immerse, collaborate, and persist”. Immerse oneself in the unique cultural diversity of these markets; foster authentic alliances that prioritize co-creation over imposition; and exercise patience, recognizing the fledgling nature of these ecosystems.

Looking to the horizon, the vision for these nascent blockchain hubs is full of promise. In Tobias’s words, these "secondary" markets are poised to shed this moniker, finding themselves at the forefront of blockchain innovation. A time where they aren't mere supporting characters in the blockchain narrative but the protagonists.

In conclusion, the blockchain odyssey in Asia's emerging markets is not merely about technological transformation; it's a socio-economic metamorphosis. As these nations evolve, they're not just emulating the stalwarts but crafting legacies of their own. The Asian blockchain tale is expanding, and it's rich with lessons, inspirations, and aspirations for a decentralized global future.

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